#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Box {
      double length;       // Length of a box
      double breadth;      // Breadth of a box
      double height;       // Height of a box

int main() {
   Box Box1;               // Declare Box1 of type Box
   Box Box2;               // Declare Box2 of type Box
   double volume = 0.0;    // Store the volume of a box here

   // box 1 specification
   Box1.height = 5.0; 
   Box1.length = 6.0; 
   Box1.breadth = 7.0;

   // box 2 specification
   Box2.height = 10.0;
   Box2.length = 12.0;
   Box2.breadth = 13.0;

   // volume of box 1
   volume = Box1.height * Box1.length * Box1.breadth;
   cout << "Volume of Box1 : " << volume <<endl;

   // volume of box 2
   volume = Box2.height * Box2.length * Box2.breadth;
   cout << "Volume of Box2 : " << volume <<endl;
   return 0;